Rizawaty J.

love guardian angels
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | 5:30 PM | 0 comments

As we grow older, we tend to open up to things beyond expectation. Towards love, life. But mostly, our responsibility as a daughter, as a son, as a brother, as a sister, as the only child, or any other family connections. But the most important part is, the role as a childtowards your parents. 

I may be the youngest from my other 3 siblings. But as far as I know, my parents didn't treat me like a total baby. Maybe just some part of it, but not most of it. For instance, my dad always taught me that if you want something, you have to achieve it. That's when you feel like everything you got came from a hard work, your own hard work standing on your own two feet.

Kadang kadang,Kita sebagai anak, memang selalu kita kata kita nak balas jasa ibu bapa kita. Nak diorang hidup aman damai in the future. Kita takkan abaikan dia, dan kita takkan hampakan dia. Hakikatnya, ada manusia yang tewas memegang janji janji mereka. Janji pada ibu bapa sendiri, benda tu yang paling patut kita kotakan. To me, it's not just words. It's not by just saying all those sugar coated phrases can make them feel proud of you. You have to prove it. Even though you're starting from the ground, from nothing. You'll be something.

Everybody is something. 

Tak semestinya kita dari nothing takkan ada purpose untuk hidup ini. Tak perlu banyak. Just
 several things :-
  • .Keredhaan Allah
  •  Keredhaan Ibu & bapa
  •  Hard work
  • Determination
  • Never give up.

I'm not saying that I'm a total perfect child to my parents. No, I make mistakes. Some big ones too, and I felt rather guilty as I grew up. There are times I felt like I was a bad daughter to them. As if aku selalu menyusahkan mereka cari duit untuk didik aku, untuk jadikan aku manusia yang berguna. Sampai sekarang. Ajar aku dari buta huruf sampai kenal segala A sampai Z, just so I can build a better future. Just so I can be one of the best. Sure, there are times when we felt they're annoying or what so ever. That's when you entered ur rebellious stage of life, teenagers. 

But trust me, as we grow up. We do regret all the bad things that we thought our parents were. Because as we get older, kita akan buka mata pada semua benda keliling kita, sebagai adult dan bukan kanak kanak yang boleh dimanipulasikan dengan mudah. Kau akan terasa yang pengorbanan ibu bapa kau tak pernah putus. Dari kau kecil, dari zaman engkau membongak, dan sampai kau kahwin dan ada anak. ibu bapa kau tak pernah nak tengok anak dia susah, apatah lagi anak dia sakit disakiti orang.

That's why your parents are the most special people on earth. That's why we have to value them while they're still there. That's why you can't let them down, even though there are times that you've failed. You shall never give up. You shall stand back again, and fight.Parents are the angels sent from god. To love us, to protect us, to scold us, to fix us, to be our guardian that will always be with us until their last breath.

Show them how much you love them, how much you care. Prove them, that you'll be a good son/daughter. Prove them, that they taught you well. And prove to the others, that your parents are the most greatest guardian angels you can ever wish for ♥

(March) RizawatyJ

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